Tuesday, December 15, 2009

indian oven

so my new side project is redesigning the Indian ovens menu's.

this is rough hence the non matching type colors.

anyway, feed back on the fonts used, size and overall look.

I wanted to keep it simple while showing a sense of class... (I have now idea if class is the right word, but you know what I mean)

Monday, December 7, 2009

ta da!


as promised, here's the link to my website...

don't laugh too hard.

the about page!

k, were almost there, promise.

here's the about page, classy simple and yet not to plain, not sure how it happened, just kinda did.

I was a little worried about the logo on the bottom, but I think it worked a lot better than I was thinking.

a little rant.

so I thought a image of what flash looks like (I mean what the headache looks like) would be appropriate, so you can fully understand web design.

I hate how you have an idea that you have to make user friendly and keep it beautiful, then you have to take it in to a content editor and disect the thing to death, getting appropriate buttons, and tables, and by the time you've adoqutely troubleshooted the file, you cross your fingers and hope that just maybe the design still works together as a composition, although your totally non-objective due to the fact you've been staring at it for the past 15 hours... (there's a lot of hoping involed).

Anyway, here's a good look at action script, it makes more sense to me that html thank goodness, but there's a lot I still have to learn. I'm hoping web design is one of those things that you get good at the more you do it, right now it feels like a really narrow road, with really really deep ditches.

welcome to unwind!

Welcome to unwind!

Sometimes the best idea is to forget your idea.
I couldn't get my atlas logo to look right so voila!

a better name for a restaurant, and a simpler solution that actually matches my design, and gives me full creative license to keep moving forward.

lost an Atlus?

problem was I couldn't find the Atlus...

So I figured that I can't show you the nearly finished product and get you to understand just how far I've come.

this was my first lame idea, it had potential, but it lacked my personal knowledge of the subject...

so seeing as how I still had time I changed my idea, but I did mock up all the pages, I'll include the rest in my next blog.